Ratio help (with percentages)

Discussion in 'Basic Math' started by josephFD2710, Aug 29, 2024.

  1. josephFD2710


    Aug 29, 2024
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    Place X has 48 beds, taking up a total of 302 clinical units per week
    Place Y 65 beds, taking up a total of 166.5 clinical units per week.

    I want to know the ratio and percentage differences so that I can present it in a graph format.
    It's been a long while since I last did ratios and presented as percentages.
    josephFD2710, Aug 29, 2024
  2. josephFD2710


    Aug 14, 2024
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    Not sure what you're asking. Can you give an example?
    What confuses me is that X has fewer beds but more clinical units per week.
    Since I don't know what this means, I don't know what comparisons you are looking for.
    Alonzo, Sep 1, 2024
  3. josephFD2710


    Aug 14, 2024
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    Joseph - I asked for clarifications - you there?
    Alonzo, Sep 7, 2024
  4. josephFD2710


    Aug 22, 2024
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    Let’s break down how to calculate the ratio and percentage differences between Place X and Place Y.

    1. Bed Ratio:

    Divide the number of beds in Y by the number of beds in X.

    Ratio = 65 beds / 48 beds = 1.35

    This means Place Y has 1.35 times more beds than Place X.

    2. Clinical Unit Ratio:

    Divide the clinical units of Place Y by Place.

    Ratio = 166.5 units / 302 units = 0.55

    This means Place Y uses approximately 0.55 times the clinical units compared to Place X.

    3. Percentage Differences:
    • Beds:
      • Difference: 65 beds - 48 beds = 17 beds
      • Percentage Difference: (17 beds / 48 beds) * 100% = 35.4%
      • Statement: Place Y has 35.4% more beds than Place X.
    • Clinical Units:
      • Difference: 302 units - 166.5 units = 135.5 units
      • Percentage Difference: (135.5 units / 302 units) * 100% = 44.9%
      • Statement: Place Y uses 44.9% fewer clinical units than Place X.
    Presenting in a Graph:

    You can present this data in several graph formats:
    • Bar Graph: Use two bars to represent Place X and Place Y. The height of the bar would represent either the number of beds or clinical units. This provides a clear visual comparison.
    • Pie Chart: Use this to show the proportion of beds in each location (though this is less effective for comparing clinical units).
    • Combined Graph: You could use a combined bar and line graph. The bars could represent beds, and a line could show the trend of clinical units for each location.
    Important Note: When presenting this data, it’s crucial to provide context. For instance, are the clinical units used at the same rate in both places? Do the types of patients or services offered differ, impacting resource allocation?

    I hope this helps.
    solo_guitar, Sep 11, 2024 at 5:08 PM
    conway likes this.
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