Creating a Formula to compare costs of two methods

Discussion in 'Algebra' started by Nytro1987, Oct 31, 2021.

  1. Nytro1987


    Oct 31, 2021
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    I work for a company as a programmer, and I was asked to automate a process that takes X amount of hours doing it manually. The question I have is this. If I wanted to show the amount of time (i.e money) saved by the company over the next five years by using my program (which takes five minutes every day) how would I do that? In other words, what would be the equation for: (Hours done manually; pay amount per hour of person doing the task manually. Compared to the time it took me to make the program, and my pay per hour) I want to show that with my program, over the next five years without doing the task manually, the company will save Y amount in expenses...

    How would I do this? I am not very good at math honestly. Thank you for any assistance!
    Nytro1987, Oct 31, 2021
  2. Nytro1987


    Nov 6, 2021
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    It is, of course, the cost of doing manually minus the cost of doing it electronically. I presume you know how to calculate the cost of doing it electronically. The cost of doing it manually is the pay per hour of the person it doing times the number of hours required.
    HallsofIvy, Nov 7, 2021
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